AsphaltTears's Journal

AsphaltTears's Journal


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22:57 Nov 23 2011
Times Read: 564

I've been watching Breaking Dawn and then going over and watching what juveniles are writing on IMDb about it. Most of it is merely drivel. I am really tired of seeing people write Twitards. If the shoe fits turn your finger toward yourselves.

I wish people would get the idea that there is NO typical vampire. All of these movies people are comparing are made up stories some author came up with. In fiction a vampire can be anything. What makes people think revenents went on violent killing sprees and went around in a cape at night turning into bats? Most of them when the time came the word vampire evolved were killing their own family members and the others were just serial murderers who were not dead and got nicknamed due to a connection to blood. OR even had fangs until you read it in a book or saw it in a movie.

I personally like paranormal romances and it is refreshing to see someone step up and get away from the Dracula stereotype which for a large part isn't from the book but made up by Hollywood. These are all perceptions and most come from books or graphic comics. There is no vampires should or shouldn't be like this or that. This is excepting the vampire community which has NOTHING to do with fiction and should stay out of comparing anything.

Two movies came out, Breaking Dawn and Immortals. Breaking Dawn has made so much money and broken so many records. Immortals didn't do as well and 75 percent of the attendees were male. 35 percent were Hispanic but I don't know why. Doesn't surprise me that males like continuous violence as oppose to romance BUT folks that doesn't make movies bad because they are not to your taste.

Breaking Dawn did not have all teens attending at least not at my daughter's theater. It was young and old who attended and they are still streaming in. The opening viewing went on almost until morning and they had four theaters filled to capacity. I have watched it three times but not in the theater.

There is a big debate that Stephanie Meyer is not pro choice and showed that in the movie but I don't think that was what it was about. If you followed the stories, it was predictable that Bella would want to have her baby. It fit the character that she would sacrifice herself if she had to, to have the baby although at first they weren't sure what it was exactly.

Now let's step back to the books. These books are categorized by the publisher for children just like the Harry Potter books. Unfortunately I never agreed on that but Meyer has won a number of children's book awards. THEREFORE given the fact they are for kids generally speaking they will not contain, nor the movies, a lot of explicit sex or blood and guts. There is a little or the story would be lacking considering the paranormal aspects. She can have her vampires any way she wants them. They are mythological creatures in context. There are no have to be's in fiction as far as characterizations. And the dumb comments about sparkly are just that because it is a very small issue in the stories. It is spoken of in passing more than anything else and then they move on. It explains certain reasons why the vampires don't come out in full sunlight and nothing more.

The Indians think they are werewolves but they aren't. They are merely shapeshifters but they initially don't know they can shift into something else according to the books. The first one chose wolf.

I am sick and tired of people giving these movies a bad rap. I like them and have watched all of them numerous times and am far from a teen. I noticed Stewart and Pattinson's mannerisms are quite similar to their real selves. I watched him in Water For Elephants which I loved. It was a really good movie. They do get into the characters but not in the way someone like Christian Bale would. He's rather unique in that capacity.

How can you not like them if you don't watch them and if you are expecting a Blade type movie, these were not written to be like that. It explores one's humanity and how certain one's have chosen not to prey on humans and each interacts by what they were in their former lives. I don't exactly call them dead but more in the sense of transformed. She stays more to a typical vampire than some writers have and some have them as cops. Considering its all fiction you could make them anything. Done for now. Whew.



00:01 Dec 01 2011

fair point ... but how do they eat.

read part of one book. saw part of one film and, got irritated with that question.

03:43 Dec 02 2011

All of them at one point drank human blood. Carlyle was a Volturi at one time so he would have been ruthless in the past. He is quite old in comparison to those he calls family. He wanted to help people and didn't agree with the workings of the Volturi so he left.

It is only his family grouping or clan and one in Alaska as far as the movies showed that have refrained from hunting humans. They hunt animals and drink their blood. They don't have fangs but bite normally but their strength gives a nasty bite and they have venom that paralyzes their victim.

The Volturi and all others drink human blood. They are strongest when they transform in their new stages. The Cullen clan learn how to control their urge for human blood and blend in with humans. The vampires have certain gifts, each unique to a degree with Jane, a Volturi, who can inflict pain with a thought which she thoroughly enjoys. Bella is resistant because she is and always has been a shielder. This is intensified after her change. I am waiting to see how it plays out. I don't know why the fans made the pro Jacob/Edward stuff because Jacob was never intended to end up with Bella. He ends up with someone else but they will reveal that in the last movie for those who don't already know.

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